Diamantina Knowledge Precinct Plan, Dutton Park

The approach to precinct design and planning reached beyond being just a spatial framework. It sought to establish the strategic position, interrelationships, connections and quality of place that encourages and facilitates the production and circulation of knowledge.

ClientDepartment of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning

LocationDutton Park, QLD


The Diamantina Knowledge Precinct captures the Princess Alexandria Hospital, the Boggo Road Urban Village, urban renewal areas within Brisbane City Council’s Eastern Corridor Neighbourhood Plan and significant transport infrastructure.

Lat27, in partnership with Parsons Brinckerhoff and the Destravis Group, were engaged by the Department of Local Government and Planning to prepare a holistic strategy to guide the staged transformation of the Precinct into a leading centre of integrated healthcare, research and education.

Local, State and Federal policies now endorse knowledge precincts as one of the engines of urban growth. Harnessing the collective aspirations of Queensland Health, University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and CSIRO, this strategy built upon the precinct’s role as a nationally significant health precinct and major economic anchor for Queensland, delivering local, regional and state services, as well as contributing to national and global health solutions.

The plan reached beyond being just a spatial framework. It sought to establish the strategic position, interrelationships, connections and quality of place that encourages and facilitates the production and circulation of knowledge.